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Escape the room

final room .png
Final room 4.png
final room 2.png
Final room 5.png
Final room3 .png

Here are the final images of my project there is an image from each angle showing the whole room and each asset in it. 


In this final unit I have learnt a lot about making a scene in Unreal engine and adding in assets from 3DS max. This brought its own problems but I resolved them throughout the unit learning how to use Unreal engine and asking for help so that I can get as much work done a possible without being confused. Although I would like to improve my 3d modelling ability so that it looks a lot more detailed and I would like to learn how to texture assets better. I would change how I approached my idea, this is because I had great ideas but when I could apply them I would feel burnt out though I pushed through and I am happy with my work now. 


I came up with my idea as I was watching a review on a horror game and thought it would be cool if I based my project on a similar design. It turned out good and better than I expected actually. I believe I made my project a lot similar to how it intended to be although I did want it to be a bigger scale, all of my assets are a lot better than I thought. I understand what goes into making a horror game such as the lighting and textures. 


I researched loads of different horror games to get a grasp of what I wanted to do for mine, I researched using websites mainly to get how to use lighting to your advantage to make stuff more eerie. Primary research was more impactful than secondary but I did less of it, the secondary research using the internet influenced my production a lot by looking at other games and seeing all the ideas an what I can use. I used all of the research and compiled it all together to make my own creation. 


I made sure I knew what assets I wanted to do I used notion the application to plan out all of my unit and what to do and when to do it. My planning was as good as it could have been throughout the unit. The only disruption I had was that I forgot to do a task and I fell behind a little bit. I learnt how to use more of the actions on 3DS max this will help me in the future to make more complex assets. I used the teachers and peers in my class very often if I was struggling because the learning curve for my was quite steep. I also learnt how to use Unreal engine and how the camera works for first and third person views. 


I didn't encounter any major problems through the unit though I did have some issues with learning unreal engine as the controls and shortcuts are different to 3DS max and the modelling in the programme is quite odd. The best way to get over problems was to use google and then if that does not work then just ask for help from the teacher. 

I have learnt how to use the internet effectively and scan reviews and other articles for useable information. 


I presented my work through showing photos and analysing and describing what I did and why I did it even in some parts why it could be or was useful. Through my work I have tried to go for a modern symmetrical look, I wanted my work to look clean and easy to navigate the menu so there is no un needed confusion. I got some great feedback from my peers in my class, such as being told that my research was good and not too confusing and also how the information is actually relevant and not just something that isn't needed. 


I feel that the biggest strength of my final product was my smaller assets in my scene, there are a good amount of assets that are well detailed and fit into my work very well. I could've added more story or character to my seen such as blood splatters or spray paint and posters. I feel that this would have made the walls less boring instead of broken wall. I added a small light on the wall that was close to last minute for the practical work and I feel that it looks very cool and I wanted it to flicker however there was not enough time to do so. I feel that my final product is suitable for my audience because it fits the horror genre, it has the eerie vibe to it and if I was to make a horror game the room I have made would definitely go well with it. I am very happy with most of the responses I got for my work they definitely boosted my confidence because for a small part of the practical I did not think I was gonna do well at all but I'm very happy with the turn out. 

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