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Practical work 

3D carboard models 

not mine.png
3D model cardboard textured .png

Here we made cardboard models and took pictures of them. This was so that we could add textures to them later in class and make them look like islands or whatever you want it to be.

Environments in unreal engine 

my first open world .png

Here I textured the ground and added some rock and dirt texture with the paint tool to make it less boring. As you can see in the picture below I used this node that allows the texture to be stretched out and look more real and another that stops the grass from being reflective. 

texture map .png
plant .png

In these images you can see that we got a fern plant and photoshopped it onto a plane and then made full plants in 3DS Max. This would be useful because we can then paste this around an environment with a pant tool rather than dragging the plant on one by one. 

Asset models and reference images 

Clay city (Art)

clay city.jpg

In art we made a small scale city out of clay, this was to help us to come up with 3D model ideas. We all had to create structures out of clay and put them all together which turned out really good. 


Whilst we were adding more models a story started to rise as there was a wall built and another city and it created a story. 


With these models we can then turn them into models on 3ds max and use them as assets or to give us help with the work that we are doing, like primary research. 

Screenshot 2021-04-23 120052.png

Here you can see that I 3d modelled the sphynx that i had made with clay and added to the city, it is untextured but went better than I thought. 

Art cardboard city 


In art on Thursdays we have been making a cardboard city, it was a good break from our project work, but was still very useful for our creativity and helped me come up with some ideas to add to my final 3d model. 


Making the buildings was very simple as all we used was small knives, hot glue and cardboard. 


light string asset .png
torch asset .png
unlit key.png
bed asset .png
toilet asset.png
knife asset .png
room light .png
ss progress 1.png
abandoned house progress .png
3ds max abandoned house progress.png

How I made each asset

Prison toilet- I started by making a box and extruded the edges to push them in. I then made a sphere and cut it in half then squished and lengthened it to make a sink along with the tap made out of two squares. 


bed- The bed is just a concrete slab with two big chains coming off it to keep it attached to the wall. 


knife- The knife was made by getting a box and moulding parts of it to make it pointy and look better, the the handle was made from a tube that had been extruded to give it a grip look and some character.


Light bulb hanging by a string- I made the bulb by soft selecting a sphere and making it into the correct shape and then adding a tube and a cut sphere on it to make the screw, to make the screw look better i added a helix to it so it had the grooves. 


Flashlight- The flashlight was made by a tube and some other basic shapes such as boxes and circles, there are also some spheres in the light that are LEDs.


Trapdoor- The trapdoor is made by a box and four torus that make the handles, there is also a circle that has a whole in it for the key by Boolean. 


Key- The key has also had Boolean used for the hole and has been soft selected to make the edges. 


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